2025 Pretzel Winter Institute
Welcome to the 2025 Pretzel Winter Institute! Please select sessions appropriate to your role! Most sessions will be held at Freeport Middle School and Freeport High School while a few will be at Empire Elementary School and Lincoln-Douglas Elementary School. Remember to check session descriptions the night before the Institute to confirm times and locations. If you have any questions, please contact Alex T. Valencic, our Professional Learning Coordinator, at alex.valencic@fsd145.org. Thank you!
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Add sessions to your personal schedule to register your attendance (Check-In).

Wednesday, January 22

Carl Sandburg Library

Empire All-Purpose Room

FHS Library A (West)

FHS Library B (East)

FHS Room 101 / Driver's Ed

FHS Room 106 / Tolu-Honary

FHS Room 110 / Miller

FHS Room 111 / Gallie

FHS Room 130 / College & Career Center

FHS Room 132 / Barteldt

FHS Room 140 / Eiler

FHS Room 201 / Setterstrom

FHS Room 219 / Calow

FHS Room 228 / Winter

FHS Senior Cafeteria

FHS Social Work Office

FMS Cafeteria

FMS Conference Center

FMS Conference Room

FMS Library

FMS Room 111 / Gallie

FMS Room 136 / Health Room

FMS Room 143 / Buchmann

FMS Room 145 / Rahm

FMS Room 150 / K. Smith

FMS Room 155 / Skipor

FMS Room 200 / Curriculum Office

FMS Room 210 / Crawford

FMS Room 228 / Evans

FMS Room 231 / AVID Center

FMS Room Room 148 / Staff Lounge

Jeannette Lloyd Theatre

Lincoln-Douglas Meeting Room

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